The woke mystery of the truncated gospel

How 1 Corinthians 15 points us to the primary importance of the gospel and dispels other gospels.

Steve Schlichter 0 1489 Article rating: 5.0

Islam, Freewill, and the Theologian of Glory

Martin Luther describes two very different ways to justify ourselves before God

Steve Schlichter 0 1586 Article rating: 5.0

Islam and the Fall of Man

The Quran includes a version of the story of the fall of Adam (Surah 7). Adam and Eve sinned but they asked Allah for forgiveness. He punished them with a mortal life on earth until the resurrection. Since they were forgiven, we can be forgiven. Islam teaches that man is born in a state of submission to God and through submission to God, he can be righteous. His failings can be forgiven. Martin Luther describes this type of theology as a theology of glory.  


The Origin of Meekness

Humans value humility in each other so what should we expect from God?

Steve Schlichter 0 1632 Article rating: No rating

 Have you ever wondered why people value humility?

The Qur'an speaks of humility. In surah 3:159 Muhammed is praised for his humility by dealing gently with those who could have been in rebellion to him.

"And by the Mercy of Allah, you dealt with them gently. And had you been severe and harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from you." [Al Imran 3:159]

Where does this value come from? If Muhammed is praised as meek then shouldn't we expect this to be an attribute of God's? How does the Muslim God demonstrate meekness?


Qur'an to Jesus in 3 Hops

How the Qur'an confirms the authenicity of the gospels

Steve Schlichter 0 1650 Article rating: No rating

I often wonder how different my beliefs would be if I grew up under different circumstances. Am I a Christian only because I was raised by Christians? What if I had been raised by atheists or by Hindus? Would I come to the same conclusions that I arrive at now?  

I have even made attempts in the past to clear my slate (as best I can) and start from scratch. It is important to examine our own beliefs. Why do I believe in God? Why do I believe Jesus is God? If I start over, would I re-assemble the same construct that I have now or would it look different? While we are (admittedly) incapable of entirely setting aside beliefs, one can attempt to imagine different starting points in life and explore the reasoning premised on the beliefs we hold. Imagine that you were a Muslim (are perhaps you are). If the Qur'an alone were your starting point then where would it guide you?